Friday, February 1, 2008

Craftbruary Goals!

So, a writing community I belong to has declared February to be Craftbruary! (What does that have to do with writing? you say, but to that I say bah! We need a break! A wonderful crafty, creative break!)

Here's the minimum I hope to get accomplished:
-sketch a person everyday
-finish my writing desk
-do five rows a week on my latch-hook
-make a dress maker's dummy
-sew cloth costume portions of Titania costume (shirt, coat, belts)

Pictures and so forth will go up here as I make progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

AnnNoE here. Just thought I'd pop over and say hello. Yay! Craftbruary! Hope you're having fun, I know I am. I'm working on the "mad bluebird of happiness" in cross stitch - you know that picture of the puffy, mad bluebird sitting on the fence? I love it.

Hope your projects are going well.

Happy crafting,